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Brexit 2020.

Le Royaume Uni est encore dans la Communauté Européenne mais le divorce est consommé. Restent des réglages importants s'agissant des rapports entre R.U & C.E.



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16 juillet 2019

Le SPRITZ "aperitivo italiano" l'apéritif Italien très tendance en 2019Le cocktail SPRITZ, un nom à consonance allemande mais dont l'origine parait bien Italienne...et même Vénitienne dit-on! Les ingrédients : – Apérol ou Campari – Prosecco DOC – Eau pétillante ou eau de Seltz – Glaçons En déco : 1 olive verte made in Italy...
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Pays qui utilisent l'Euro comme monnaie nationale et ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas<<

Dernière Mise A Jour le 06-07-2019président Commission européenne CARTE DE LA ZONE EURO EN 2018 Pays ayant l'Euro comme monnaie nationale...
BLOG DE PHIL: Pusieurs vidéos - Visite commentée de Naples. Vidéo tournée en mai 2017 montrant un certain nombres de sites ou monuments parmi les plus célèbres de Naples et de ses environs dont la Solfatara et Herculanum. 
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BLOG PERSO: Plusieurs vidéos - Ci-dessus, image de l’un des plus beaux villages des plus fameux assurément de la Côte Amalfitaine est celui de Positano, un véritable balcon sur la mer Thyrénienne. S'agissant de Positano, la légende dit que c'est Neptune qui l'aurait créée
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La Côte Amalfitaine, perle de l'Italie : pensez y pour vos vacances...<
Ayant beaucoup visité l'Italie, je peux vous confirmer que les plus beaux paysages qui se succèdent en parcourant les routes sinueuses de la Côte Amalfitaine, n'ont pas d'égal, avec ses villes et villages accrochés aux collines que borde la mer Tyrrhénienne,...
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Changement d'heure <



Lien du site web : Pavillon Bleu





"Burning Man" désert dans le Nevada: un Festival déjanté, des airs de" Woodstock"1 semaine l'an

Qu'est-ce que Burning Man?
La traduction
"Homme qui brûle".
Une manifestation artistique colorée mais pas seulement...déjantée! Un rendez-vous d'initiés? Un peu, même bobo! Visiblement, une joyeuse ambiance, une expérience intéressante voir enrichissante. A essayer si vous en avez la possibilité  Lire la suite


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10 décembre 2011 6 10 /12 /décembre /2011 00:11

Euro-millions-National-Lottery-UK.pngEURO MILLION JOKER + and, last Tuesday, December 6, 2011 prints, £ 12 million jackpot

See the results of JOKER +

below those of the LOTO or EUROMILLIONS

Euro million, the latest prints and gains

Euro_Millions-gd-modele.jpg Draw

Friday, December 9, 2011:  

Jackpot approx. ± € 26 million *, ± * CHF 32 million and 22 million ± £ drunk

Friday, December 9, 2011
12   21   29   44   47
Stars:  1  to  2

Winner of the 1st row:no

Next draw:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011:  

Jackpot approx. ± € 33 million *, ± * CHF 41 million and 28 million ± £ drunk

Reports and earnings, posted after 10:20 p.m. to draw:  
In £. Sterling
No. of matches No. of winners £s per UK winner UK Prize fund
Match 5 + 2 Stars 0 £0.00 £0.00
Match 5 + 1 Star 6 £204,997.30 £409,994.60
Match 5 12 £34,166.20 £102,498.60
Match 4 + 2 Stars 62 £3,306.40 £49,596.00
Match 4 + 1 Star 1,239 £144.70 £39,937.20
Match 4 2,634 £68.00 £39,100.00
Match 3 + 2 Stars 2,612 £49.00 £29,351.00
Match 2 + 2 Stars 39,222 £15.00 £141,795.00
Match 3 + 1 Star 56,370 £10.00 £130,680.00
Match 3 115,401 £8.20 £220,883.40
Match 1 + 2 Stars 208,206 £7.90 £381,996.60
Match 2 + 1 Star 814,137 £5.50 £1,033,257.50
Match 2 1,639,252 £2.80 £1,060,575.60
Totals 2,879,153 £3,639,665.50
In Euros

French people's Games

No. Good Good Stars Winners Winners Europe France 

etoile etoile
Pas de gagnant.
5 etoile 2 6 295 613,20 €
5   1 12 49 268,80 €
etoile etoile
17 62 4 767,90 €
4 etoile 319 1 239 208,70 €
4   653 2 634 98,20 €
etoile etoile
643 2 612 70,70 €
etoile etoile
9 015 39 222 21,60 €
3 etoile 13 872 56 370 14,40 €
3   26 948 115 401 11,80 €
etoile etoile
47 993 208 206 11,50 €
2 etoile 197 992 814 137 7,90 €
2   377 656 1 639 252 4,00 €


Tuesday, December 6, 2011: approx. ± 15 millions €uros

* About 19 ​​million and CHF * ± £ 12 million sterling drunk

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
19  20  21  34  38
Stars: 3 to 9

Winner of the 1st row: no

Next draw:

Friday, December 9, 2011:  

Jackpot approx. ± € 26 million *, ± * CHF 32 million and 22 million ± £ drunk

Reports and earnings, posted after 10:20 p.m. to draw:
* Less or more depending on previous draw jackpot amount and accumulated
In £. Sterling
No. of matches No. of winners UK £ s per winner UK Prize fund
Match 5 + 2 Stars 0 £ 0.00 £ 0.00
Match 5 + 1 Star 4 £ 171,772.60 £ 343,545.20
Game 5 4 £ 57,257.50 £ 57,257.50
Match 4 + 2 Stars 42 £ 2726.50 £ 21,812.00
Match 4 + 1 Star 628 £ 159.50 £ 25,679.50
Match 4 1.253 £ 79.90 £ 24,689.10
Match 3 + 2 Stars 2.067 £ 34.60 £ 15,120.20
Match 2 + 2 Stars 29.978 £ 10.90 £ 64,092.00
Match 3 + 1 Star 31.898 £ 9.80 £ 69,619.20
Match 3 59.491 £ 8.90 £ 122,366.10
Match 1 + 2 Stars 166.999 £ 5.50 £ 177,204.50
Match 2 + 1 Star 479.526 £ 5.20 £ 533,234.00
Match 2 868.981 £ 2.90 £ 560,645.40
Totals 1,640,871   £ 2,015,264.70
In Euros

French people's Games

No. Good Good Stars Winners Winners Europe France  

star star
No winner.
5 star 0 4 247 € 025.10
5   A 4 82 € 341.70
star star
13 42 3 € 921.00
4 star 122 628 € 229.40
4   263 1253 € 115.00
star star
501 2067 € 49.70
star star
7214 29 978 € 15.70
3 star 6756 31 898 € 14.10
3   12 603 59 491 € 12.80
star star
40 670 166 999 € 8.00
2 star 105 634 479 526 € 7.50
2   184 963 868 981 € 4.20

JOKER + fdj Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Result Draw No. 2 5 630 506  

  132 164 all ranks of winning games combined gains

See footer section-following link:

> JOKER + FDJ last draw <

Result No. 1 draw 2 986 163  
(No winner) * at the top        

10 642 game winners combined earnings of all ranks


NASA confirms the discovery of a habitable planet "Keppler-22b", the possible presence of water in liquid form <

Confirmation of the discovery of a planet "habitable" Other (s) item (s) bound (s): This planet was discovered in 2009 would be close enough to our blue planet ... The CNRS, French was also the first in May 2011 to announce that one of the planets orbiting the star did ....
RATP-par-Reuters--Y.-Herman.jpg EC RATP: the Court of Auditors request a criminal investigation THE WORLD: The Court of Audit calls "the referral to the Minister of Justice to open a criminal investigation" of the dysfunctions of the works council (EC) of the RATP, in a report Monday that have purchased Le Parisien and TF1. [...]
Route of the Tour 2012 The route of the Tour de France 2012 Tour de France unveiled, presented in Paris on Tuesday, will leave June 30th Liege, Belgium, and will arrive July 22 in Paris. It has three summit finishes, including two novel to the board of Beautiful Girls in the Vosges, and [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1868 Wednesday, December 7, 2011, "Paris vacation", abstract images, video

Leo and Barbara from a vacation in Paris Miss National Prestige in 2012, Genevieve de Fontenay: This is Miss Cerdagne, Christelle Roca (video) <<LOTTO ® draw last Wednesday, December 7, 2011, and € 3 million EURO MILLIONS Joker and JOKER + +, runs last Tuesday, December 6 2011, € 15 million jackpot. LOTTO ® draw last Monday, December 5, 2011, and € 2 million + Joker LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, December 3, 2011, 3 million € and the Joker + Episode 1868 Wednesday, December 7, 2011, broadcast on France 3: "Holiday in Paris. .. " Leo is wary of increasing the cold shoulder from Catherine that his statement that [...]

Miss National Prestige 2012: It's Miss Cerdagne, Christelle Roca (video) <<

Miss Christelle ROCA National Prestige 2012 Miss Christelle ROCA National Prestige 2012 This Sunday, December 4, 2011 in the evening and Live Casino Divonne Les Bains, the jury headed by Henry-Jean Servat a sacred Christelle Roca, Roussillon Cerdagne Miss, Miss New National Prestige in 2012. This pretty blonde 20-year measure 1m77, a native of Perpignan is a professional flamenco. She succeeds Barbara Morel Provencal in a difficult environment due to the dropping of the last minute ... Dailymotion Miss National Prestige 2012: the list of candidates, voting and election <In [...]

Miss France 2012: It's Miss Alsace who is elected (video)

Miss National Prestige 2012: the list of candidates, voting and election <

Miss-Nationale-the-competition-Miss-Prestige-National Miss National Prestige 2012 is Miss Cerdagne, Christelle Roca (video) <<Miss Christelle ROCA National Prestige 2012 This Sunday, December 4, 2011 in the evening and Live Casino Divonne Les Bains, the jury chaired by Henry Jean Servat a sacred Christelle Roca, Roussillon Cerdagne Miss, Miss New National Prestige 2012. This pretty blonde 20-year measure 1m77, a native of Perpignan is a professional flamenco. She succeeds Barbara Morel Provencal in a difficult environment due to the dropping of the last minute Dailymotion ... [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1867 Tuesday, December 6, 2011, "self defense", abstract images, video

Self-defense Miss National Prestige in 2012, Genevieve de Fontenay: This is Miss Cerdagne, Christelle Roca (video) <<last draw of LOTO ® Monday, December 5, 2011, and € 2,000,000 + Joker LOTTO ® draw last Saturday, December 3, 2011, € 3 million and EURO MILLIONS Joker and JOKER + +, runs last Friday, December 2, 2011. Episode 1867 of Tuesday, December 6, 2011, broadcast on France 3: "self defense" ... To substitute "proc" in the recovery site, Captain Xavier Castelli tale, the conditions under which he shot Claudio ... it was armed, [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1866 Monday, December 5, 2011, "Karim murderer", abstract imagery

Karim is known murderer ... LOTTO ® draw last Wednesday, November 30, 2011, and € 2 million EURO MILLIONS Joker and JOKER + +, runs last Friday, December 2, 2011. LOTO ® last draw of Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 2 million € and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Tuesday, 29 November 2011 Episode 1866 Monday, December 5, 2011, broadcast on France 3: "murderer Karim" Leo found that Catherine by turlupinée is something serious about his son ... he guessed she knows more than it says about the danger hanging over him. But it does not state with her ​​lover [...]

Strike notice to the SNCF for December 2011 and the first day of the Year. The dates and times involved  

SNCF-train-Flickr.jpg See dates and times for these strikes, below, unless agreement reached by then with the management of SNCF SNCF drivers launched a strike notice for all weekends in December, to the call of the FGAAC-CFDT. The strike, which concerns only the agents of conduct, therefore covers the period of Christmas and New Years. In a statement, the union that represents nearly 30% of train drivers, warning once again on the "sense of unease living agents of conduct." Excerpt from the press FGAAC-CFDT, published on its website: "On the [...]

Nouve Lles of the premium being shot in the Ile de France:

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) The Prime "big chill to Four Suns' first pictures of the shoot. Videos

Prime pblv first image "Four to the big chill Suns" behind the scenes of premium Plus Belle la Vie! France 5 broadcast this Sunday, November 27, 2011, an unpublished report on the shooting of the next prime-time Plus belle la vie, "the big chill to the Four Suns," which will air around the month of February 2012 on France 3, 20:35. Brief summary of the Prime released in February 2012 and during touyrnage in Paris. Working undercover with the help of Djawad ... who became stuck his hand into the bag in Marseille. Forced to work! "To catch the killer of a witness he [...]

Right decision for Abdel Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1865 Friday, December 2, 2011, "right decision", abstract image + video

LOTO ® last draw of Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 2 million € and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Tuesday, November 29, 2011 LOTTO ® last draw of Monday, November 28, 2011, 7 million € and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Saturday 26 November 2011 and the Joker + Episode 1865 Friday, December 2, 2011, broadcast on France 3: "Good decision" Taking the examination of Hocine after a night in police custody, Lieutenant Boher seen arriving at the police, Elsa alive but in poor physical state. It is convened as part of the case concerning the death of Karim Fedala. [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1864 Thursday 1st December 2011, "Malaysia", abstract image + video

Malaysia AbdelLOTO ® last draw of Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 2 million € and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Tuesday, November 29, 2011 LOTTO ® last draw of Monday, November 28, 2011, 7 million € and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Saturday 26 November 2011 and Joker + Episode 1864 Thursday 1st December 2011, broadcast on France 3: "Malaise" for Abdel ... Atmosphere at the P'tit Dej in Boher ... like a real police officer, John Paul asked Abdel Elsa's disappearance, he suspected of being linked to the disappearance. Abdul denies more and left exasperated by the questions of non Boher [...]

Luna in Marseille for Christmas Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1863 Wednesday, November 30, 2011, "in Marseille for Christmas", abstract image + video

Abdel is very concerned about the affairs of his father, Barbara can count on full regard for him. He says and says bad enough already to have accepted the inheritance ... it ignores the attack the day before he lived with his mother and uncle Hocine.


PRESS: DSK: Sofitel's response after the investigation of American journalist 27.11.11 | 12:59 WORLD jpg Image: The Sofitel Sunday published an update on the investigation of the American journalist Edward Jay Epstein on the Dominique Strauss-matter Kahn.JEWEL SAMAD The lengthy investigation relaunched the idea of trap to Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Journalist Edward Epstein, who signs in the article "New York Review of Books" is convinced that wanted to "derail" the candidacy of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, even if he refuses to talk about " plot [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1862 Tuesday, November 29, 2011, "shooting Fedala" pictorial summary + video

Arises a motorcycleAttempt to kill Abdel Fearing for the life of Abdul, Jean-Paul Boher Samia and try to convince him to abandon the legacy of Karim, but he does not deny his father and decided to accept his shows the amount of high-Legacy said. John Paul tells his wife that he threatened Hocine and is ready to go further to protect Abdel.

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1861 Monday, November 28, 2011, negative influence "Bad influence", abstract image + video

+ EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Tuesday, November 22, 2011 LOTTO ® last draw of Monday, November 21, 2011 and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, November 19, 2011 and Joker + Episode 1861 Monday, November 28, 2011, broadcast on France 3 " negative influence "of Abdel Hocine on ... Abdel now knows that her mother can stay in Marseille with him after the death of his father. Respecting the rule macho [...]

  REBUILDING THE FRANCE? "A project of New France or large yacht liner to be built by subscription The fact is that this project would not be quite in the spirit of his great predecessor. The cruise has evolved into units to

  to ship thousands of [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1860 Friday, November 25, 2011, "informed observers", abstract image + video

Observers avisésXavier and Leo JOKER + runs last Tuesday, November 22, 2011. LOTO ® last draw of Monday, November 21, 2011 and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, November 19, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Friday, 18 November 2011 Episode 1860 Friday, November 25, 2011, broadcast on France 3: "Observers advised "This is the day of the funeral of Abdel Karim and his family met with his father prior to planting. As he goes to the cemetery, Abdel is angry to see his arrival, [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1859 Thursday, November 24, 2011, "further investigation", abstract image + video

Further investigation LOTTO ® draw last Wednesday, November 23, 2011 and EURO MILLIONS Joker and JOKER + +, runs last Tuesday, November 22, 2011. LOTO ® last draw of Monday, November 21, 2011 and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, November 19, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Friday, 18 November 2011 Episode 1859 from Thursday, November 24, 2011, broadcast on France 3: "complement Investigation "It Abdel guilty, he feels responsible for the death of his father. He imagined he would still be alive if he had not put pressure so that q xit mafia activities. Barbara does [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1858 Wednesday, November 23, 2011, "Karim killed", abstract image + video

Weapon against Karim EURO MILLION JOKER and + prints last Tuesday, November 22, 2011. LOTO ® last draw of Monday, November 21, 2011 and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, November 19, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Friday, 18 November 2011 Episode 1858 from Wednesday, November 23, 2011, broadcast on France 3: "Karim killed "on the run, Karim blames Elsa, accusing him of having engineered the case of the witness who identified the police station. This protest because it did not act against him or said anything CONCERE the police. He never wants to see her again ... the [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1857 Tuesday, November 22, 2011, "Karim escape" abstract imagery + video

Evasion of Karim LOTO ® last draw of Monday, November 21, 2011 and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, November 19, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Friday, November 18, 2011 LOTTO ® last draw of Wednesday, November 16, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + runs last Tuesday, November 15, 2011 LOTTO ® draw last Monday, November 14, 2011 and Joker + Episode 1857 Tuesday, November 22, 2011, broadcast on France 3: "Escape Karim 'Karim asked Leo for long hours and ... insistence, Karim finally admitted that it was he who fired, but in self [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1856 Monday, November 21, 2011, "identification", abstract image + video bloopers

Karim identified by sdf

LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, November 19, 2011 and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, November 19, 2011 and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Wednesday, November 16, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Tuesday, November 15, 2011 LOTTO ® last draw for Monday, November 14, 2011 and Joker + Episode 1856 Monday, November 21, 2011, broadcast on France 3: "identification" After the threats which it was subjected by Karim, Catherine says she decided to Leo to leave the city. Abdel which is always "influenced" his father is always suspicious of his mother and [...]

;sl=fr&tl=en&u=http://2emedu-hautrhin.over-blog.com/article-plus-belle-la-vie-pblv-coup-de-mistral-aux-mureaux-un-prime-time-en-tournage-en-novembre-201-89227682.html&usg=ALkJrhjXRoQZpmDaC63XWGJbonUqD6KvTQ"> logo-prime----Coup-de-Mistral-aux-Mureau
First info on the new premium 18-11-2011: The last premium 2011 will be shot next week in the Paris suburbs with participating in the detective story: Johanna (said she might leave the series soon to join a shooting TF1?), the prosecutor Xavier companion Johanna, the couple Djawad-Estelle ... and we also imagine the inevitable Boher. Other sequences of the film will be shot in the studios of the Belle de Marseille in May In principle the distribution of this premium would be held early 2012, probably [...]

FEDALA Karim, Abdel father: "Chronicle of a Death Foretold" In Marseille Karim is with Elsa, a man comes and Karim threat with a weapon. Barbara and Abdel looking for the homeless who accused Karim of the murder of Tom. In doing so, the parking lot, they find traces of blood near a vehicle. When the police arrive on the scene, Leo and Xavier discovered Karim, who died ... the evening, that of Leo the bad news to the boyfriend of his daughter, which he did by going in Boher. Abdel collapses into the arms of Barbara. Spoilers for episodes from November 21 to 25 [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1855 Friday, November 18, 2011, "Threats", abstract imagery

Threat LOTO ® last draw of Wednesday, November 16, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Tuesday, November 15, 2011 LOTTO ® last draw of Monday, November 14, 2011 and Joker + Episode 1855 of Friday, November 18, 2011, broadcast on France 3France "Threats Catherine on ... " Now, Abdel knows her mother is alive, contrary to what his father told him ... And indeed, having learned from Catherine, she was his mother, Abdel Barbara is shocked and he says he does not understand how she could abandon it. Leo reassures Catherine, referring the situation in the past with [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1854 Thursday, November 17, 2011, "Abdel Revelation", abstract imagery

Abdel revelation LOTO ® last draw of Wednesday, November 16, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Tuesday, November 15, 2011 LOTTO ® last draw of Monday, November 14, 2011 and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, November 12, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + runs last Friday, November 11, 2011 Episode 1854 Thursday, November 17, 2011 broadcast on France 3: "Revelation Abdel" Now who knows his mother ... Boher fears for Abdel, he believes he is risking his life if he continues to attend his father and finally, Karim thinks like Boher. Abdel retorts that it is important [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1853 Wednesday, November 16, 2011, "in the arms of Luna", images and video summaries

In the arms of Luna EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Tuesday, November 15, 2011 LOTTO ® last draw of Monday, November 14, 2011 and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, November 12, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Friday, November 11, 2011 LOTTO ® last draw of Wednesday, November 9, 2011 and Joker + EPISODE 1853 Wednesday, November 16, 2011 broadcast on France 3 "in the arms of Luna" After his confession yesterday to Leo, Catherine tells him how she became pregnant at 16, and penniless, she agreed to give his son Karim's family. Then it disappeared until a few [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1852 Tuesday, November 15, 2011, "his son," summarized imaged

His son Abdel Catherine LOTO ® last draw of Monday, November 14, 2011 and Joker + LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, November 12, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Friday, November 11, 2011 LOTTO ® last draw of Wednesday, November 9, 2011 and Joker +, results and EPISODE 1852 earnings release Tuesday, November 15, 2011 on France 3, "his son" Greg and Fred Karim help in his search for Tom he suspects of having the shot against him. Karim asks Elsa who claims not to know where her cousin she would like to know what he wants and still says he is faithful .... It sounds, [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (PBLV) episode 1851 Monday, November 14, 2011, "measure of confidence," summarized Karim mistrust toward Elsa and Tom imaged

LOTO ® last draw of Saturday, November 12, 2011 and Joker + EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Friday, November 11, 2011 LOTTO ® last draw of Wednesday, November 9, 2011 and Joker +, results and gains EURO MILLIONS and JOKER + Last drawings Tuesday, November 8, 2011 , € 53 million LOTTO ® draw last Monday, November 7, 2011 and Joker +, results and gains EPISODE 1851 Monday, November 14, 2011 broadcast on France 3: "measure of confidence" Jean-Paul Boher Abdel believes has information relating to attempted homicide which his father was a victim in his presence but that [...]

Plus Belle La Vie (pblv): Turning to the studios of the Belle de Mai in Marseille (9 videos)

Belle May pblv shooting Jpg pblv Turning to the studios of the Belle de Mai in Marseille Source: South West daily Sets and filming of the series PBLV The decoration of the Mistral was conceived and designed by Michel Blaise and studios built in the media center of the Belle de Mai in Marseille. The sets form a dense urban area of 1100 m2. The designer was inspired by the Marseille area of Cart and other places from photos [ref. desired]. The decor of the office has changed during the broadcast, in May 2008 [ref. desired]. The filming of an episode requires every 1 hour and 15 [...]

Surveyors of the Haute-Savoie 11 and 10 September 2011, the latest campaign to measure the altitude of Mont Blanc by the surveyors of Haute-Savoie Using TERIA the network, a network of centimeter-level positioning "real time" and with the participation of Telespazio, which liaised by satellite phone for the first time, the measure called "real-time" was achieved in 2011. At the initiative of the College of surveyors of Haute Savoie that this is precisely established since 2001 and that all these two years [...]

Nicolas Barrel will return shortly police commissioner of the district ... for replacement of the Commissioner of Douala, which is part of the Seychelles and soon Captain Castelli will assert his right to retire ... the progress in Boher ?

jpg image from left former Lieutenant Nicolas Barrel PBLV FRANCE3 As for Catherine Pujol, new companion ...

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