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La Côte Amalfitaine, perle de l'Italie : pensez y pour vos vacances...<
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"Burning Man" désert dans le Nevada: un Festival déjanté, des airs de" Woodstock"1 semaine l'an

Qu'est-ce que Burning Man?
La traduction
"Homme qui brûle".
Une manifestation artistique colorée mais pas seulement...déjantée! Un rendez-vous d'initiés? Un peu, même bobo! Visiblement, une joyeuse ambiance, une expérience intéressante voir enrichissante. A essayer si vous en avez la possibilité  Lire la suite


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21 mai 2019 2 21 /05 /mai /2019 05:18


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Volume 23, numéro 19 | 20 mai 2019


+ Inscrivez-vous au programme d'échange sécurisé de billets 2019
+ Achetez vos billets pour enfants


+ BWB et les régionaux du Sud-Est unissent leurs forces pour soutenir davantage de projets civiques
+ Fly Ranch: des écrivains de couleur deviendront les héroïnes de leurs propres histoires
+ Se souvenir de Larry: Jouer avec les mots
+ Méta-conversation sur le thème des métamorphoses
+ La Chine s'attaque à l'homme brûlant et le réinvente chez lui


+ Chaîne YouTube Burning Man: Un vent de changement
+ @burningman sur Instagram


+ Aidez à créer votre ville
+ Début des entraînements pour le 10e ultramarathon annuel Burning Man
+ En souvenir de Larry: Vous avez une vidéo?


+ Obtenez la collecte de fonds de VOTRE projet artistique sur notre page de support
+ Le labyrinthe en tête fait ses débuts à Burning Man 2019
+ Koro Loko fournira une place au cœur chatoyant
+ Un carnaval lunatique en ville


+ Rockin 'for Rayo - Nevada City, Californie - 24 mai
+ MPYRE Strikes Back - Monterey, Californie - 1er juin
+ Desert Arts Preview - San Francisco, Californie - 2 juin
+ Tortue Burn - Yilan, Taiwan - 7 au 9 juin
+ Concert et levée de fonds Playa Jazz - Sausalito, CA - 9 juin


TEXTES originaux en langue ANGLAISE

      The Jackrabbit Speaks V23:#19:5.20.19

Volume 23, Issue #19 | May 20, 2019













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STEP to it! The Secure Ticket Exchange Program is now open for folks looking to sell their tickets. Registration for buying a ticket will open May 21. For those bringing their mini Burners along, Kids Tickets are now on sale too. 

From tickets to taking part, Fly Ranch is launching a writers workshop for women of color and Burners Without Borders and Southeastern Regional groups have joined forces to bring even more Burning Man-inspired civic projects into the world.

Can't wait to see all the art on playa? Desert Arts Preview is rocking up fast, so don't miss your chance for a sneak peak at projects and insights into the inspiration behind them.

And let's give a big Burner bear hug to the new Regional kid on the block: Turtle Burn. Taiwan is hatching a new edition to our ever-growing global clan.

The Man burns in 103 days!


Sign up for the 2019 Secure Ticket Exchange Program!


Secure Ticket Exchange Program (STEP) is now open to sellers, and will open to buyers Tuesday, May 21.

There are some exciting changes to our beloved STEP this year: we no longer have to limit the exchange to only $425 tickets, and we’ll be able to keep the program open much longer. 

Read more in the Burning Man Journal

(Photo by SN Jacobson)

Get your Kids Tickets


Kids have been an important part of Burning Man since the beginning. To better support young Burners coming to the playa with their families, we offer no-cost kids tickets for children 12 years old and younger. All kids entering Black Rock City need to have a Kids Ticket, which is only valid in conjunction with their parent's or guardian’s regular ticket or access credential.

Get your Kids Tickets

(Photo by Alberto Quintans)


BWB and Southeastern Regionals Combine Forces to Support More Civic Projects


Christopher Breedlove writes:

"I had the pleasure of travelling to Atlanta for the Southeastern Leadership Roundtable (SERT) this year, accompanied by several key members of the Burners Without Borders (BWB) team. The purpose of the trip was to give a keynote presentation about the evolution of Burners Without Borders, which included outlining the empowering steps Regional leaders can take to create their own BWB chapters and working groups. A focal point of the presentation was co-facilitating the BWB Civic Ignition Grant process and awarding grants selected by peers."

Read more in the Burning Man Journal

(Photo by Shawn Ferry)

Fly Ranch: Writers of Color to Become Heroines of Own Stories


Yodassa Williams writes:

"From the moment I could read, I’ve been drawn to fantasy tales starring female heroines. Each time the heroine uncovers the magical destiny awaiting her, my heart races in excitement for the adventure ahead. I never anticipated my own life following a similar path, but since finding Home at my first Burn in 2014, my life has been filled with transformation, magic and creativity."

Read more in the Burning Man Journal

Remembering Larry: Playing With Words


Stuart Mangrum writes:

"In an essay we worked on together many years later, we referred to that collaborative state as a sort of murmuration, where everyone is at once a leader and a follower, and no one in particular is in charge. At the time, coming out of two tours in the Air Force, it was intoxicating for me to find such a generous and inventive creative partner. Our friendship grew as we worked together on Burning Man’s early communications."

Read more in the Burning Man Journal

(Photo by Jack Haye)

Meta Talk on the Metamorphoses Theme


Halcyon writes:

"It feels like Burning Man themes fall into three categories. First, there are the 'Literal' themes that have some way to map them conveniently to the physical world. Like, The Body, Floating World, Carnival of Mirrors and I, Robot. It isn’t difficult to think of imagery that you could incorporate into a theme camp design, mutant vehicle or sticker. Floating World? How about a big fish? Or a sea anemone?"

Read more in the Burning Man Journal

China Goes to Burning Man and Reinvents it at Home


Ian Rowen writes:

"Chen’s depiction of Chinese tech entrepreneurs as rapacious wolves on the Mongolian plains is even more felicitous than he intended. In years past some Chinese Burners, including those well-acquainted with the Left Coast social firmament, had created delightful theme camps and art installations. Chen’s campmates, however, instead followed a path created by previous waves of entrepreneurs grasping for the sociocultural keys to the Silicon Valley kingdom."

Read more

(Art: "Desert Guard" by Lu Ming, photo by Ian Rowen)


Burning Man YouTube Channel: Winds of Change


World Wood Day writes:

"Driven by science and technology, the world is entering a new era and changing at a rapid pace. These changes profoundly affect the social, economic, and cultural outlooks of societies and individuals alike. In this documentary by World Wood Day, the 2018 Burning Man theme of 'I, Robot' serves as a reflection of humanity. Through different layers of conversations in the film, our emphasis is on transforming consciousness and behavior in all aspects of our lives — personal, social and planetary. We also focus on how the event affected individuals and gave them new perspectives required to change."

Watch the video

@burningman on Instagram


Meet "Bebot" by @andreagreenlees. Photos by @emiliajoye #burningman #blackrockcity #brc#thankslarry #participation #communaleffort

Want your creativity featured on Burning Man’s Instagram? Whether you can whip up slick graphics or just have a photo of folks out on playa doing the good work, send it to instagram@burningman.org.

Follow @burningman on Instagram for more examples of how NOT to get Engagement™ with your Brand™.


Help Create Your City


As Burning Man season starts to ramp up, so do the ways in which you can help create another ah-mazing event. This city ain't gonna build, maintain or pack away itself!

Wanna let that inner artist out? Or find your dome away from home? Check out Spark and connect with community members looking for people to help with their art projects and theme camps.

Or maybe you're itching to get operational, do data or share info on playa? Check out volunteer opportunities with teams such as Gate, Greeters, Emergency Services Department, Rangers, Census and more by heading over to our participation forms.

Whatever your skills, time commitments or jam, there's a team — and new fam — waiting for you.

If you're looking for Burning Man people to participate in your thing and want to shout it out in the JRS, make sure to let us know via the Jackrabbit Speaks submission form.

(Photo by C–E Mosneron Dupin)

Start Training for the 10th Annual Burning Man Ultramarathon


Cherry Bomb writes:

"Come run with us in the 10th Black Rock City 50k. Start training now so that you can run the most epic race of your life, with the highest of runners' highs ever! The race starts and finishes at Pink Lightning, and runs loops around the flattest, funnest city in the world. Now head out for a run — clothes optional."

Find out more and register

(Photo by Christophe Tedjasukmana)

Remembering Larry: Got Video?


Ladybee writes:

"If you have old video of Burning Man, 1992 or earlier, which has not yet been digitized, the Burning Man Project Archive wants to help. Working with Doc Team volunteers, some vintage technology, and our friends at the Bay Area Video Coalition, we can help you get your old analog media digitized before it’s too late. We also like old photos, particularly of Larry and especially from those first few years in the desert. Those old prints in your shoebox aren’t getting any younger. If you sent video previously, please resend!"

For more information, contact Ladybee at archive@burningman.org

(Larry in 1990, photo by Stewart Harvey)


Get YOUR Art Project’s Fundraiser on Our Support a Project Page

If you're fundraising for a Burning Man art project, and you meet our criteria, we'll be happy to include you on our Support a Project page, which we regularly promote to the Burning Man community.

Please note that this should not be your only solution for fundraising. We strongly encourage you to engage your immediate community — it’s part of the collaborative process!

Learn how to submit your project for consideration


The Head Maze Debut at Burning Man 2019


Dillon Nicholson writes:

"Head Maze is a 40-foot mediating mind, resting on one hand and ripping its face off to reveal a crystalline-stained glass being. It's a massive collaboration dedicated to the complexities of cognition; our common struggle between body and mind, nature and nurture; and our persistently fluctuating perception of self. A series of hidden doors in the mouth, wrists and head open into a four-story, 18-room interactive labyrinth of the subconscious and dreams."

Support Head Maze

Koro Loko to Provide Shimmering Heart Place


Really writes:

"Koro loko or 'heart place' in the universal language Esperanto, is a sanctuary to reflect on the action of love. In our koro loko, you will discover a huge, billowing heart filled with thousands of tiny dichroic plexi squares refracting a rainbow of light in all directions. We need your help to raise the money to make this dream a playa-reality!"

Support koro loko

Whimsical Carnival Coming to City


Dillon Nicholson writes:

"The Folly is a whimsical carnival town built around a 70-foot clock tower with observation decks and a windmill, full of hidden rooms and secret passageways. Help us gift The Folly to the playa by making a donation and sharing our fundraising campaign!"

Support The Folly


Rockin' for Rayo — Nevada City, CA — May 24


Where: Miners Foundry, 325 Spring St, Nevada City, CA
When: May 24, 7pm–11:30pm

Our beloved friend and Burner alumnus Saul Rayo has contracted a rare form of colon cancer. It is very aggressive, so we need to raise funds quickly. We are having a benefit at the Miner's Foundry with a silent auction. Saul has performed at countless events to benefit others and now he needs our help. We would love for all you Burners in the area to join us.

Buy tickets or find out more on Facebook

MPYRE Strikes Back! — Monterey, CA — Jun 1


Where: Monterey Bay Park, Del Monte Beach, 699 Del Monte Ave, Monterey, CA
When: Saturday, June 1, 12pm–10pm

Please join us for our annual community gathering and celebration at MPYRE Strikes Back! This is a free-to-the-public Burning Man Regional Event, and we welcome you to participate and connect. $10 suggested donation.

Find out more on Facebook

Desert Arts Preview — San Francisco, CA — Jun 2


Where: Sydney Goldstein Theater (formerly Nourse Theater), 275 Hayes St, San Francisco, CA
When: Sunday, June 2, 6pm–10pm

Desert Arts Preview is a beloved and exciting evening where artists share the projects they plan to bring to Burning Man 2019. Presenters share their inspiration and hopes for these works in progress, giving the audience an exclusive window into their creative process.

Find out more on the website

 (Art: "Shrine of Sympathetic Resonance" by Tyson Ayers and Resonant Arts  )

Turtle Burn — Yilan, Taiwan — Jun 7–9


Where: Yilan, Taiwan
When: June 7–9

Burners past, future (and, of course, always present) will gather in the mountains of Yilan for Taiwan’s first official Regional Burn: Turtle Burn. The event follows other gatherings in Taiwan inspired by Burning Man values, such as the 2014 Burning Taiwan Decompression and the April 2019 pre-Burn Spark. We will gather to create community, situations, and magic in the mountain air as we experiment with life inspired by the 10 Principles. Join us!

Join the event on Facebook or find out more on the website

(Photo courtesy of Taiwan Burners)

Playa Jazz Fundraiser Concert & Jam Session — Sausalito, CA — Jun 9


Where: Sausalito Cruising Club, 300 Napa Street, Sausalito
When: Sunday, June 9, 2pm–6pm

Enjoy an afternoon on the bay in Sausalito, hear some killer jazz performed by Playa Jazz musicians, indulge in handmade artisan pizza, grab a libation at the full bar, and support live jazz at Burning Man. Please support Playa Jazz.

Find out more on Facebook


We were listening to ...

Joep Beving, Ab Ovo (The soundtrack to the drone murmuration and Mayan Warrior musical collaboration at Burning Man 2018. Gets me in the feels every time).


Burning Man Facebook
Burning Man on Twitter
ePlaya: Burner BBS
Spark: Connecting people with projects
The Burning Man Regional Network: Connect with Burners in your hometown!
Burners Without Borders: A network of civic engagement and resiliency project leaders
Burners Without Borders Facebook

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